Pilonidal cyst recovery time – things to know after surgery

January 11, 2021

Pilonidal cyst recovery time is almost as important as the surgery itself. It means a patient influences on course of the disease as doctors do. They should be attentive and take care of themselves. Here are some nuances after the surgery to pay attention during recovery. Stick to the recommendations to avoid relapses and get well soon.

What is a pilonidal cyst?

Structure of a pilonidal cyst - Pilonidal cyst recovery time - things to know after surgery

Surgery is the only sure way to get rid of a tailbone cyst

Traditional methods and medication do not work. The only solution for fully recover is surgery. People with no complicated forms of the disease, and people with inflammations should decide on surgery. The method shorten pilonidal cyst recovery time and lessen the possibility of recurrence significantly.

Yes, you heard right – relapse is possible after the surgery. And it happens quite often. Some times even during the pilonidal cyst recovery time. A lot depends on the surgeon you approach. Referring to non-specialized surgeon is not the best option. They may not know all the intricacies of the operation. So a doctor you want to look for is an experienced surgeon proctologist.

The surgery could be performed under local or general anesthesia. Typically local anesthesia is sufficient. General anesthesia can be used at the request of the patient or when complex epithelial passages. The duration of the surgery from 20 minutes to an hour. It all depends on the stage of the disease. During surgery the epithelial is removed from the channel exit openings. The operation itself is not complex and is tolerated quite easily. Early pilonidal cyst recovery time is about one month (often 2-3 weeks are necessary).

Structure of a pilonidal cyst - Pilonidal cyst recovery time - things to know after surgery

What pilonidal cyst recovery time is like

The most challenging thing in the entire operation is pilonidal cyst recovery time. First, the patient is in hospital under the supervision of a doctor. They may be discharged on the next day, but, as a rule, the patient has to lie down for a few days until the condition stabilises. Antibiotics and painkillers are prescribed.

A big problem in all this pilonidal cyst recovery time is getting home from the hospital. This is the question it is necessary to think in advance, because you can not sit for 3 weeks after the surgery. Probably it is the most difficult part in this whole story.

On the first day of pilonidal cyst recovery time a patient is forbidden from getting up categorically. On the second day they can already stand up, and on the 4-5 – go. 10-14 days are to remove the seams. Definitely need to do each day ligation. Here’s the whole pilonidal cyst recovery time.

Pilonidal recovery time – how to take care

The first thing to remember during pilonidal cyst recovery time is that any questions about the operation should be immediately asked, approach your doctor. Only he can give accurate and relevant information, and decide what to do. Don’t listen to friends and acquaintances, even if they had been through a similar experience. The doctor will come specifically out of your case.

Medical specialists agree that pilonidal cyst recovery time determines up to 90% of the operation success

Apart from being filled in your own medical case and getting enough recommendations from a doctor, there are other essential things to take care of during pilonidal cyst recovery time.

Hygiene is the priority thing. Especially in the first few days. Shower with baby soap, no hard pillows, no towels. It is extremely important not to damage the wound after surgery.

Location of a pilonidal cyst - Pilonidal cyst recovery time - things to know after surgery

Very carefully think about the dressings. Clothings should be easy to put on, no rough or allergic materials. In the early days of pilonidal cyst recovery time experienced professionals help, but there will come a time when your loved ones have to help you with this.

Nutrition also plays a role in pilonidal cyst recovery time. A patient cannot eat fatty, spicy and salty foods.
Of course, after surgery they experience discomfort with the whole process. There is nothing to do with it.

Along with the discomfort there will be pain. A patient after the surgery needs painkillers. Its not a problem as long as you are in a hospital. But once you’re discharged, you need to think of it.

The bottom line is follow daily hygiene routine to have short and non-complicated pilonidal cyst recovery time. One should be very attentive to this issue.

More information about tailbone (pilonidal) cysts and tumors.

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