What is pineal cyst in brain – is it a danger?

June 2, 2020

Pineal cyst in brain is considered to be a quite rare phenomenon. According to statistics, the disorder is noted in 1,5 percent of all cases of the organ’s pathologies. Being a clearly-defined formation, it may eventually expand. Although it is not usually characterized as a growing and developing cyst.

As a rule, this cavity does not lead to serious complications and are not required any therapy. In some cases, for example when an arachnoid cyst is detected in brain, only regularly examination of the cyst should be taken.

What is a pineal gland? Description.

There is a small part in the brain called the “pineal gland”. The gland has another name, which is “epiphysis”. It should be noted that its function is not fully known.

However, scholars have proved the pineal’s role in melatonin synthesis. This component, in its turn, affects the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary structure. The secretion produced by the gland control the synchronization of the rhythms in a human body. It keeps the sleep-wake cycle sustained.

Another function of the gland is the synthesis of the growth hormone. According to experts, this has a direct impact on the sexual development and the stability of the immune system.

In general, as the gland controls a lot of a brain functions, a pineal cyst in brain affects all the processes in it in one degree or another. In some cases, the breach is not accompanied by any noticeable symptoms. In other situations, a pathology leads to dangerous complications.

What is pineal cyst in brain - is it a danger?

Causes of pineal cyst in brain

Diagnosis does not always clarify the triggers. However, experts say  there are two main reasons. Often there is a failure connected with the outflow of melatonin. As a result, its accumulation in the pineal gland begins the formation of solid tumors. Also, the pathology may develop as a result of a parasitic disease. Provoking factor, for example, becomes hydatid disease. After penetration into the epiphysis, the larva forms a protective sheath around it. The result is a pineal gland in brain which expands over time.

Symptoms of pineal cyst in brain

Usually, the cyst is not accompanied by any apparent clinical picture. In some cases, however, patients may complain of pain in head. In some cases, patients may experience double vision, drowsiness. Sometimes the growing cyst may put pressure on the nerve tissue surrounding it, as well as on the important centers of the brain. While expanding the tumors can cause dropsy, accompanied by stagnation of the liquids.

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