Paraovarian cyst

September 15, 2015


  • Can occur at any age
  • Often causes pain and discomfort in the abdomen
  • Can distort the fallopian tube
  • Safe again mainly promptly
  • In a small package can be an effective anti-inflammatory treatment

And now everything in detail!

Paraovarian cyst (para – close + ovarium – ovaries) literally a cyst near ovary.

Usually, this cyst liquid closely adjacent to the ovary. Very often it grows deep into the ligaments surrounding the ovary and fallopian tube. The cyst may occur at any age, is often found in young girls.

Reasons paraovarian cysts.

Great value among the possible reasons paraovarian cysts given to chronic inflammation in the epididymis. Another frequent mechanism of development of this pathology is wrong bookmark tissues in the embryonic period.

Symptoms paraovarian cysts.

A Typical manifestation paraovarian cysts is dull gnawing or aching pain in the lower abdomen in the projection of the tumor. This is due to the growth of the cyst into the ligaments. This arrangement causes stretching of the tissues and pain even at relatively small size of the cyst. Pain may be given in the lower back, and patients often blamed them for problems with the spine or kidneys.

Diagnostics paraovarian cysts.

Usually difficulty correct diagnosis paraovarian cyst does not occur. If the ultrasound is liquid cyst and adjacent healthy tissue of the ovary – it receives a diagnosis pravarasena ovarian cyst.

But sometimes, the apparent simplicity hides a more serious problem. Paraovarian cyst can easily be confused with retroperitoneal tumor. The source of the latter may be of the urinary system or even the spinal cord. If you suspect retroperitoneal tumor before treatment is necessary to do a CT scan to clarify the diagnosis, because improperly performed surgery can cause very serious complications.

Also paraovarian cyst can be confused with follicular cyst and serous cystadenomas if they are not in depth and on the surface of the ovary.

Treatment and removal paraovarian cysts.

Treatment paraovarian cysts should start with a course of anti-inflammatory therapy. If the cause of the cyst – inflammation, and it arose recently (not more than 2-3 months), then such treatment may give a great effect and pravarasena the cyst entirely. Evaluation of the effect of treatment should be carried out within 1 month.

However, in the vast majority of cases paraovarian cyst must be removed surgically. Because next to paraovarian cyst is almost always closely adjacent fallopian tube, during the operation it is extremely important not to damage it. Damage to fallopian tubes extended presence paraovarian cysts or as a result of its improper removal may lead to serious problems with the pregnancy (such as infertility and ectopic pregnancy).

The Solution.

Considering the fact that paraovarian cyst often occurs at a young age, on the basis of foreign experience my technique was introduced by careful removal of the cyst. It differs from typical laparoscopy. The main task is to maintain the normal location of the fallopian tube and ovary.

In practice, this gives a number of advantages:

  • Ability to have children, because preserved patency of the fallopian tube and will not affect the ovary
  • Prevention of ectopic pregnancy, because the stored normal location of the fallopian tube
  • Quick rehabilitation after an operation, because we use modern anesthesia
  • Reduced risk of surgical complications, because we use disposable and qualitative tools
  • Good tolerance to surgery because we practice only the noninvasive techniques
  • Excellent cosmetic effect, because we impose intradermal sutures that don’t even need to remove

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